Monday, September 23, 2013

Google Docs Makes Feedback So Easy!

The next layer of awesomeness to Google Doc and other Google Tools is the ability for teachers and peers to give feedback to others.  The Common Core states that students should, with guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, or rewriting.  It also states that  students should use technology, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.   Google has built in capabilities to meet these standards. I am going to share three different ways for peers and teachers to provide others feedback in Google Documents specifically. 

2.  Chat Feedback
(This video will show you how these two features work)

3.  Voice Comments(This video will show you how this works)

For even more detail about this Google App, watch this longer video....

We have learned the great value in providing students with feedback.  These are three excellent ways to do so within Google Apps.  Hope this helps!

For more information about how to provide feedback within Google, please check out this link:

Please share how you provide students with feedback in Google Drive.

Has this made the process easier, better, and/or more valuable?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Using Google Docs for Writing Collaboratively (It's in the Core!)

Writing is very important for our students to master and in my mind, and Common Core ramps up its importance.  For example, Common Core Writing standard 6 states, "Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others".  For a more in depth look at how this breaks down per grade level, click here for a Common Core grade level progression.

Google Docs is a great tool for students to use to both write on a computer, but also it allows students to be collaborative with others and publish their work easily to the world. It, frankly, is one of the most powerful 21st century tools because it is accessible anywhere you have internet and your work can be shared with anyone who has internet. And all this is done with ease.  A big shift from the Microsoft Words days..... where you saved on your computer and then couldn't get to it until you returned to that computer OR you could email it to yourself and work that way.

To learn more about how you can use Google Docs (word processing) with your students, visit Tech PD for help, links and more information.   

How have you or could you use Google Docs in your classroom with students?  Share your lesson and classroom application ideas here. 

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